Rebirth of Tacheles: Perpetuum Mobile (PM) installation at the Cultural Embassy Lichtenberg

PM joined this rebirth of the famous Tacheles with an installation of fiery red works from the PM COMMONS COLLECTION.

Check out this link for further info about Cultural Embassy Lichtenberg.

Tacheles has been a reference for the underground scene in Berlin. The community has been ongoing from early 90’s until the eviction of the whole building, in 2012 – after days of strong resistance from its inhabitants. In February 2018, artists from Tacheles came up with a new space dedicated to gathering people around art, Kulturbotschaft Berlin-Lichtenberg.

Perpetuum Mobile has joined the party with an installation of fiery red works from TSQ2, from the PM COMMONS COLLECTION.

TSQ2 installation at Kulturbotschaft Berlin-Lichtenberg

Ivor Stodolsky and Martia Muukkonen

Marita Muukkonen and Ivor Stodolsky @ Kulturbotschaft Berlin-Lichtenberg

TSQ2 @ Kulturbotschaft Berlin-Lichtenberg

TSQ2 @ Kulturbotschaft Berlin-Lichtenberg

Thank you Jesus Maria Parras for your invitation!

Jesus Maria Parras @ Kulturbotschaft Berlin-Lichtenberg


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